• A 2-Day Marriage Intensive with

    Michele Weiner-Davis, LCSW

    Far better than a year of weekly sessions!

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    Spend 2 full days with bestselling author, renowned TEDx speaker and 911 relationship expert, 

    Michele Weiner-Davis and get the help you need now!

  • What is an intensive?

    A word from Michele Weiner-Davis

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    A radically new way to resolve relationship problems...quickly!

    About 2 decades ago, I started to question the wisdom of hour-long sessions. Just when couples got down to the crucial issues, time was up, leaving people feeling raw and unsettled. These bad feelings followed them home!


    When couples returned to therapy the following week, we had to start all over. Getting any traction felt near impossible! Plus, they had all week to allow their bad feelings from the previous session to fester.


    So, instead of creating emotional breakthroughs, a portion of each session had to be devoted to simply creating a safe atmosphere to resume our work together.


    I realized that hourly sessions may be okay for minor marital tune-ups, but here's the deal- most couples don’t seek help to make good relationships great; they do so when they're in crisis and truly hurting.


    I knew I had to make a change!

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    And now for a change...

    I started offering 2-day intensives with couples. Many were on the brink of divorce and desperate to get off the fence. Others had just discovered infidelity. Still others were arguing endlessly, often living separate lives and feeling they just couldn't go on that way any longer. Countless couples had been to other therapists, but found those experiences to be ineffective at best, and often harmful.


    Regardless of what led these people to me, the results of their intensives were so impressive that I quit offering hourly sessions altogether. Now, several decades later, I find it hard to believe hourly sessions are still an option for couples in crisis!


    Here's why:


    With 2 full days together, there is ample time to delve into the issues that have driven spouses apart. Because people are encouraged to speak from their hearts, they tend to drop their defenses and often, for the first time in their marriages, truly listen to each other.


    Also, the beauty of the intensive is that there is nowhere to go. No alarm clocks ringing. No distractions- kids, work, friends, family and outside obligations, Just uninterrupted time to focus solely on their relationships and what they need to do differently to feel more connected.


    For those who are undecided about staying together, this format offers ample time to look at all the issues and make the best possible decision. The decision to work on or end a marriage is unquestionably one of the most important decisions anyone will ever make in his or her lifetime because it is a decision that affects so many people.

  • Is a 2-day intensive for me?

    An intensive is for you if you....

    • Disagree about whether or not to divorce


    • Feel upended by a recent crisis


    • Feel devastated due to an emotional or physical affair


    •Want to improve your relationship immediately rather than attend weekly sessions where you merely talk about feelings


    • Fight about sex a great deal


    • Think your partner is having a midlife crisis


    • Argue constantly and feel completely misunderstood


    • Struggle with anger issues in your marriage


    • Love each other, but don't feel in love anymore


    • Feel lonely in your marriage and have little in common


    • Want extreme anonymity to work on your marriage

  • Better than a Year of Therapy!

    Down-to-earth solutions, no psychobabble.

  • Pattie and John

    Listen to how their intensive changed their lives

  • About Michele

    Although many therapists claim to be skilled relationship experts, few rival Michele's experience, skills and track record

    Michele Weiner-Davis, MSW is an internationally renowned relationship expert, best-selling author, marriage therapist, and professional speaker. Michele was among the first in her field to courageously speak out about the pitfalls of unnecessary divorce. She has been passionate about helping couples save their marriages for nearly 4 decades, and is considered by many to be the “go-to” therapist for 911 relationships.


    Michele is the author of eight books including the bestselling, DIVORCE BUSTING and THE SEX-STARVED MARRIAGE and HEALING FROM INFIDELITY. Her TEDx talk on The Sex-Starved Marriage has been viewed by nearly 9 million people. Michele's work has been featured in every major newspaper and magazine. She has been a frequent guest on Oprah, 48 Hours, CBS This Morning, The TODAY show, Good Morning America and 20/20.


    Michele is the Founder and Director of The Divorce Busting® Center in Boulder, Colorado. She was the recipient of several prestigious professional awards including, The American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy's Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Marriage and Therapy Award.


    Michele's real claim to fame, she believes, is her 50-year relationship with her husband, two adult children and five grandchildren, who also live in Colorado.


    For more information about Michele, visit her wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michele_Weiner-Davis


  • Interested in fast-forwarding through

    your relationship challenges?

    (If you think you want to end your marriage, start watching this video at 4:19 minutes)

  • What people are saying.....

    The following comments are from real people whose

    names have been changed to protect their privacy.

    Donna L. 

    ❝In the wake of learning of my husband’s affair I began searching the internet for resources to help me work through my pain and to find a path forward.  I knew I still loved him but I didn’t know how I would get through it...


    ...With demanding work schedules I knew it was going to be nearly impossible to find a time slot that would work for both of us (to do therapy); I also didn’t have the energy or patience to work through my pain in 50-minute sessions for months on end.  I was also concerned that taking time to find the right therapist would delay our healing.  


    A 2-day intensive program with Michele was the best thing we could have done.  We learned so much about ourselves and each other.  We peeled back the layers of our 30-year relationship and were able to identify behaviors that led to our problems.  In 2 days!!  


    Michele made it very easy for us to talk openly.  She is so fair and balanced – while at the same time very direct.  


    It’s been almost 6 months since our time with Michele and we continue to move forward with rebuilding our relationship.  We are more affectionate and passionate that we have ever been – even more so than our early days of courtship.  


    The pain is not completely gone but I am starting to feel like myself again, the joy is returning, and the triggers don’t have a hold on me any longer.  I’m so thankful that we chose to fight for our marriage.  Not only are we happier, but we are demonstrating to our kids what unconditional love and forgiveness looks like.❞

    Kelly T. 

    ❝Facing the immense damage that infidelity can cause, if any couple is to survive the devastation, you will need the insight, hope and years of expertise Michele Weiner-Davis brings to your personal journey.  


    Michele’s book offered both of us a roadmap on how to handle our part of this extremely difficult time in our marriage.  In fact, it was so powerful, that we decided we needed hands-on guidance from Michele herself and did a 2-day face-to-face session.  Landing on Michele’s book online was nothing less than a divine intervention and we are both extremely thankful to have Michele guiding us through the renewal of what is going to be a much more powerful marriage.  


    We are both so content and excited about our renewed and reinvigorated marriage, and I'm certain we wouldn't be here with Michele's brilliance in what she does best - save marriages!!  We hope that Michele will be one of our VIP guests at our 'new beginnings' marriage Re-do in Paris France!   We are better together!!!!  Thank you Michele.❞

    Steven R.

    ❝After I found out about my wife's affair, I wanted to walk away. We tried years of "traditional" therapy and still, we were going nowhere. I thought I was ready to give up and move on, but I knew down inside it wasn't what I really wanted for myself, or my family.


    Then we decided to see Michele to give it one last ditch effort. Addiction, infidelity, and zero trust were the core ingredients that made up our recipe for disaster.


    We focused on what we needed to do to move forward, and learned how to effectively communicate. Wow, what a transformation! Not only did we not divorce, but we have been "honeymooning" since. That was several years ago. The word "divorce" has never been spoken in our household again!  Thank you, Michele, for the direction and focus to put our lives back together!❞


    Jenna L.

    ❝I think of our two day training as a turning point in our marriage: it was transformative.  I remember walking into Michele's office on the morning of day 1 - feeling fragile and hurt - my husband had cheated on me. We had gone through couples therapy for over a year at that point.


    My husband and I walked into Michele's office with an open mind and an open heart. The two days were intense - Michele is like no other -she has the perfect mix of empathy and smarts. She won't let you get away with vague answers to very pointed questions about what makes you hurt, what you need in a relationship, what does your partner need, how we can each be better not just for our marriage but for ourselves.


    She's on a mission to help you save your marriage and that alone, makes her stand out from any other therapist I know.

    I remember flying home after the two day session feeling we had just entered a new phase in our marriage- we still had work to do but we were now on our journey toward recovery and renewal.❞


    Jason S.

    ❝Our marriage was shattered by an affair. My wife and I decided immediately after the discovery of the affair that we both wanted to try to save the marriage.


    Unfortunately, neither one of us really knew what to do next. We did what most people do. We hired a ‘marriage counselor’ in our hometown which nearly destroyed the already fragile marriage my wife and I had left.


    Here we were doing everything our counselor was telling us to do, yet nothing was getting better at home. We were talking about the marriage and our problems a lot; but nothing changed. It was starting to feel as if our marriage couldn’t be saved. Our counselor actually advised us that we needed to face the possibility that divorce may be the best option. It was devastating.


    Michele was our last hope.


    My wife and I spent two days with Michele. She helped us make a tangible, solution-focused plan to save our marriage. We did the work and I can honestly say that our marriage is better than it has been except for maybe the honeymoon phase we enjoyed 17 years ago. I will forever be grateful to Michele....


    Now we have hope. We have confidence. We have each other. Michele helped us change the course of our marriage and because of that, our future, our two daughters’ futures, and hopefully many generations to follow futures.❞


    Marci S.

    ❝My husband and I are blessed to have seen Michele Weiner-Davis for her 2 day couples' session. We, of course, imagined it would be difficult but what we had not planned on, was it being so beautifully easy at the same time.


    She presented real solutions without ever placing blame on either of us, we both felt heard and seen. During the break on our second day, my husband said this felt like a second honeymoon...that sums it up well. Thank you for guiding us as a couple but also as human beings and as parents, we will be forever grateful to you, Michele.❞


    Lia T.

    Words cannot express how much you have helped us...  After our session my husband was so relaxed & happy...He was genuinely trying to communicate & be there for me.


    Today we read the attachments that you sent. The article he read out loud & we discussed every paragraph. It was amazing to be able to talk calmly about our painful situation.


    As I told you, when we talked before I used to be emotional because I held it in so long & then would blurt out my feelings. He felt so badly that he would not only cry but he would sob and cry out to the Lord & say how sorry he was.


    This led to a vicious cycle with me not wanting him to feel badly, so I kept my feelings inside thinking that the next time we could have a non-emotional talk. But that did not happen.


    So...now our new beginning began beautifully... We wish we had been able to fly out years ago when we wanted to better our marriage. But this is starting out better than I ever anticipated. 


    I am sure I will have a need to touch base with you at times...you are so comforting & we both feel that we have known you a long time...both of us are sending you warm hugs too.❞

    Karin R.

    ❝I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for an amazingly transformative experience. In a short two days, Jason and I accomplished so much more than we did in six months of marriage counseling at home.  

    We both felt that the opinions and emotions we shared were heard and respected, even if the opinions differed. Thank you for sharing your profound wisdom and insight with us.

    I continue to reflect and to be amazed at the fact that I did not shed a tear over the past two days since I returned from the intensive. I have cried at some point almost every other day of the past two years. 

    I think that part of the reason why is that, despite the fact that we were discussing difficult issues, for the first time I felt very hopeful that our marriage has a strong chance of recovering from this blow. I felt much more optimism about the future than I have for the past two years.  

    I always held on to a glimmer of hope even on the darkest of days  and that is what gave me the strength to get through these two years on my own without telling anyone aside from therapists. 


    But there were always major doubts about our future together, every day, and many tears. And while there are still doubts that linger, for the first time I feel so much more positive about our long term prospects.  You were able to get Jason to share more than he has shared with me (or anyone else, I think) over the past 25 years.

    I am attaching photos of our 3 girls. I am hopeful that the course of their lives has been forever altered for the better as a result of our work with you. I am hopeful that the only takeaway that they will have from the past two years is that their parents went through a difficult period and worked it out, and that marriage isn't easy but that it is worth it. 

    I wanted you to see the faces of the three children who will likely never know how much you helped them, so I want to thank you on their behalf. If they knew, I am sure they would be forever grateful to you.   Thank you for your inspiration and for all that you do.❞


    Brian D.

    ❝a huge thank you for all your help. We truly did not understand how invaluable your intervention would be….but it was a game changer.


    Diana M.

    ❝Work with Michele one on one if you can. She is honest, sincere, no-nonsense while being

    incredibly sensitive and nurturing and most importantly, real. She is candid about drawing on her own

    experiences in life and love and is willing to be vulnerable despite being the expert. She is one of a

    kind and I am incredibly grateful to have found her and her teachings.❞


    John D.

    ❝Thank you very much for your help last week. I feel the floodgates are opening up, and we are communicating again, and you played a huge part there. While there are issues we need to work through, I feel hopeful that we should be able to turn around. For that I thank you. Go forth and do God's work!❞


    Kyle M.


    ❝After several months focused on communication, friendship, and working to make things go right I am so happy to share that Margaret has come out and said that she optimistic about our future together. Emotional and physical intimacy as returned to our marriage.


    We are spending more time listening, sharing, and encouraging one another. She said the other day that she feels like we are dating all over again and she never thought she would feel this way about me again. ...She believes the changes are real and has acknowledged meaningful improvement in the relationship between my sons and myself.


    Our time with you was such an important contributor to helping things go right and support the healing process. The intensive we took part in, was hands down, one of the single most important steps in helping to save our marriage....I love what you wrote and take it to heart every day- "Be patient. Stay the course."- It's like the stonecutters credo.❞

    Leo. F.

    ❝I did want to say thank you for all your work. The books, videos, and coaching. It has now been 4 years and my wife and I are extremely close and connected. I wish I could write all about it, but it’s a lot. Your advice is like diamonds. And, nobody, and I mean nobody, has the information you do.


    We were extremely lucky to find a local therapist to complemented everything you taught us. But, even if I relied on a therapist alone, there is no way I would still have my marriage. It took literally everything I could muster to get through it all. I really learned a lot from your training and I am constantly using those tools daily.


    I am extremely grateful you have put together your program. Before I read your book, I talked to therapists and all sorts of people who offer just the worst advice. Also, the Internet is poorly equipped to handle these situations and does more harm than good. Slowly, over years, I eventually learned what I needed to learn to heal my marriage. And, I would feel terrible with myself if I went through with getting a divorce. I didn’t want to do it. But, the world sort of expects you to. I had to do what I believed was right.

    We renewed our wedding vows in 2021 and celebrated our 21st anniversary last year.

    Anyway, hope you have a wonderful 2023. Thanks again.❞

    Jason D.

    I am not sure how common it is for couples to provide updates and/or how often people circle back with you, however I felt compelled to reach out. I want to thank you again for the two days we spent together in Boulder back in early September. Up until that point it was near impossible to slow and pause where my marriage was headed.


    By taking this step and meeting with you, we shifted the momentum from separation to friendship and communication. The period between September and December was very challenging. It was everything you talked about and prepared me for.


    I won't get into all the details of when and how progress was made, but slowly our communication improved and our relationship moved into a place of desire and interest in one another (my wife began showing interest in me).


    In January she recommitted to our marriage and since then we have been building more trust, going on dates, enjoying time with the kids, and independent time too.


    I am so blessed to share that divorce is nowhere on the horizon and our marriage is a place of health. It's been the most challenging period of my life and has forever changed me. I prayed and trusted...and this outcome feels so underserved.


    Thank you for being such an important part of our story. I wholeheartedly believe you stepped into our lives and marriage--and changed our lives and the lives of our three girls. Thank you doesn't feel like enough sometimes, however I thank you from the bottom of my heart. .❞

  • Transform Your Marriage in 2 Days!

    Is an intensive just what you need? Uncertain your spouse would join you? Reach out for helpful suggestions

  • Dave F

    ❝When we decided to seek help for our marriage, my wife was aware that no one was better in the country with helping couples in our situation than MWD. The intake and appointment process was seamless and uncomplicated. Though we had some concerns about teletherapy, they were quickly allayed once we began. All our sessions felt individualized, warm, and immediately beneficial. 


    My experience with MWD was transformative. She provided me with an unalterable view of the patterns of behavior and choices that were in direct conflict with the well-being of my marriage. She was able to provide me with alternative ideas, behaviors, perspectives and “homework” which is ever increasingly
    allowing me to walk a path of genuineness, honesty, and truth with myself, my wife, and my family.  Without MWD’s knowledge, experience, and empathetic -but firm- guidance, I would still be groping in the dark for help.❞

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